Riot police use tear gas on colon protestors


 Riot police fire tear gas at teachers and members of the civil society of Colon, who on Wednesday, May 18 joined the tenth day of protests against the high cost of living.

Without the circulation of public passenger transport and the closure of some educational centers, the province of Colón remains paralyzed by the general strike called by the Coalition of Unity for Colón (Cuco).

On  Wednesday, May 18, Cuco the teachers, and e members of the coalition took a walk to the Cuatro Altos sector, where riot police fired tear gas to disperse the Cuco demonstration which brought together the collective and selective transport sector, teachers, and university students. Cuco reiterated that it is holding the strike to speed up projects that generate jobs.

They also ask for the control of the high cost of living, the regulation of fuel prices, the structural improvements of educational centers, and highways, attention to the Up and Down coasts and other needs for the province of Colón.

In a video recorded on Tuesday, Cuco leader Edgardo Voitier criticized the meeting that took place at the Presidency.

Division strategy
Voitier insisted that the coalition that called the general strike and demands the best for the province was not represented at that meeting.

The leader said that the meeting was held with the intention of dividing Cuco and recalled that this strategy “has been carried out by all previous governments.”

He said that “They invited people who sympathize with the government.

He pointed out that the administration of President o Cortizo was looking for Cuco to fall for the government’s maneuver, therefore they will not participate in this type of meeting.

“We will continue to be busy fighting for the Panamanian people and we demand answers “