Protests over disappearance of  women


Scores of people gathered on Tuesday, May 10, in Belisario Porras Park, a few meters from the office of the Attorney General, Javier Caraballo, to protest the disappearance of women in Panama.

At least 25 organizations that watch over the rights of women protested demanding justice for all those who have disappeared in the country. “We scream for each missing person, we want everyone alive,” read one of the many banners.

“Not one more”, “Enough already”, read others. The protesters asked President Laurentino Cortizo to declare the disappearance of women a “state problem.” Caraballo was required to reinforce the offices of the prosecutors in charge of the investigations, with personnel and equipment, to locate the women who one day left their homes and disappeared.

According to figures provided by the Public Ministry, at this time 17 women are missing in the country.

Caraballo promised that he will do “everything possible” to clarify the cases, and promised to hold meetings with representatives of the women’s groups.

Heleni Manola, one of the coordinators of the protest, said that the Attorney General’s promise is “insufficient”, since there are women who have been missing for years.