Debauchery” and improper mask use spike covid surge


“More than freedom in terms of the use of masks, there has been debauchery, and precautionary measures are not taken,” said Lourdes Moreno, national head of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health (Minsa),  on Saturday, May 7.

She was responding to a surge in cases of covid-19 in the last week

“People have had a relaxation, a debauchery is not following biosafety standards,” the official complained.

 Two deaths and 1,919 new cases were reported on Friday, May 6 by the Minsa. With these deaths, the number of deceased people increased to 8,191.

Moreno said that there have been many activities, such as dances and concerts, where there has not been a correct use of masks. ” We must be aware that masks are the first protection barrier ” she added.

For the coming weeks, Moreno said that an increase in cases and hospitalizations due to SARS-CoV-2 is expected. However, she trusts that this will not overwhelm the care in the health system.

“We are prepared for care but we do not want them to be hospitalized, just one death is unfortunate,” Moreno said

Similarly, the official urged citizens to complete the anticovid vaccination scheme, which consists of three doses. The fourth dose has been left optional but recommended, she emphasized.

“There are more than 500,00 people with zero doses. Unfortunately, hospitalizations in rooms and intensive care are in older people, ”she pointed out.