OPINION: “Not one more”  a government goal for femicides


The statistics tell us that the problem of femicides is getting worse, that little is being achieved and that they are even increasing. It is a real shame that legislation is not legislated with a heavy hand on this issue, when there are lives that are lost because of indifference, ort little care of the deputies in the issues in which they could make a difference. More speed is needed, greater initiatives to protect potential victims, because their aggressors, in many cases, are not strangers: they are their partners, relatives, close people who take advantage of that, precisely, of proximity. And this is not a new problem, it is an old one, so the debt with these victims could have been paid years ago. But, far from it, during the pandemic the problem increased and aggravated, therefore, it is urgent that the National Assembly be more diligent in this matter, even, the Executive should dedicate more interest than the little that it shows now. “Not one more” should be the Government’s goal, but, as always, it is lagging behind, reacting, instead of preventing, and the consequences are irreparable losses and traumas that last a lifetime – LA PRENSA. Apr. 10.