Private enterprise knocks Unachi sanction

The National Council of Private Enterprise (Conep) expressed concern about  President Cortino’s sanctioning of the bill through which the rector of the Autonomous University of Chiriquí (Unachi) Etelvina Medianero de Bonagas is allowed to run for a third term. “This law does not pay anything for the development of higher education,” the group raised through its Twitter account.

The presidential sanction appeared  Friday, April 1, in the Official Gazette, and gives Medianero de Bonagas the green light to run for a third term, just as it allows the deans, vice deans, and directors and deputy directors of regional centers to opt for a second consecutive term.

“Education has never been, nor will it be the star of this government,” Panamanian teacher and writer Ileana Gólcher reacted The approval for Medianero de Bonagas to be re-elected “is the height of contempt for the decent Academy in Panama.”

Meanwhile, the Panamanian lawyer and former minister Rodolfo Aguilera pointed out that in Unachi the vote of 800 professors is worth 60% of the vote and that of 20,000 students is only worth 30%. In his opinion, “that is not democracy, it is oligarchy”. He added that consecrating the re-election of the rector promotes the purchase, with salary increases, of the overvalued teacher vote.

In recent weeks, Unachi professors and students have carried out several demonstrations and closures on the Inter-American highway to demand respect for university autonomy. “No more re-election in Unachi” was the slogan.

The norm was approved last February 24 in the National Assembly, with 48 votes in favor, five against, and one abstention.

After the announcement of the presidential sanction of this project, Unachi is a trend on social networks.