OPINION: Theft of buses gives life to old phrase


After what we have heard in the preliminary hearing for the irregular compensation paid to the owners of the ‘red devils’, it is clear that in this country it is very easy to get rich, at the expense of the State, dishonestly and, probably, some without receiving punishment (at least for a long time). Until now, the most popular modalities to fleece the treasury, although brazen, had a certain subtlety: turnkey contracts, surcharges, addenda, subsidies, payroll, double salaries, travel expenses, consultancies… in short, the vicious circle in which all government administrations. But in this week’s hearing at the Roberto Durán Arena, an entrenched criminal structure has been revealed and executed from within government agencies so that, with the approval of the Comptroller’s Office, Numerous individuals charged several times for the delivery of the same good and even ended up taking something that already belonged to the State, to continue profiting from it. With the theft of things as large as a bus, the country has given a new meaning to the phrase “from hand to hand, an elephant was lost”.- LA PRENSA,  Mar. 20.