Cortizo opts for continued mask-wearing


Despite the decrease in Covid-19 cases , which on Friday marked a 4.4% positivity President Cortizo announced that for the moment he will not relax the measure of wearing masks, both outdoors and indoors

“When the time comes to decide that we can, at least outside, go out without a mask, I will be the first to say it is time. Meanwhile, I feel that it is not prudent”, said the president in Capira on Friday, March 18 during a “Community Work Tour” on Friday, March 18, where he inaugurated a new school, delivered high genetics stallions to small producers, and awarded benefits to 18 institutions for a total amount of $3,253,730.

The debate
In recent weeks, the debate has arisen to end the use of masks outdoors. 

In the opinion of Eduardo Ortega Barría, vaccine advisor to the Ministry of Health and national secretary of Science, Technology, and Innovation, it is still advisable to keep the mask on, in offices, hospitals, public transport, and schools.

But in the opinion of the pediatrician and clinical researcher Xavier Sáez-Llorens, the use of the mask should be gradually made more flexible, from outdoor activities at the beginning to indoor activities later, always taking care of the groups at greatest risk of developing severe Covid-19.