Eight-year-old mother and baby find a home


Following the birth, by cesarean section, an eight-year-old mother and her baby will live with a close relative.

The operation was performed at Hospital Santo Tomas in the early hours of Wednesday The operation had been contemplated in the birth plan established by the hospital’s medical staff when the girl was evaluated at 23 weeks of gestation.

The medical body specializing in pediatrics will be in charge of monitoring the health status of both, who are “stable”, according to sources from the Ministry of Health.

The National Secretariat for Children, Adolescents and Family (Senniaf) indicated to La Estrella de Panamá in a previous interview, that it has advanced with psychological tests, home visits, that they have had contact with the family in which they found a relative willing to assume the role of mother of the baby and the girl.

The Senniaf reminds us that it has an anonymous protection line (637-83466) in which complaints are received in cases of child abuse, sexual abuse, violation of the rights of children.