Lessons from the war in Ukraine

There are lessons to be learned from the war that Russia declared on Ukraine, even imitated. The first is that, regardless of what the Ukrainian political and civil leaders have been, they are now part of the country’s defense efforts; they have not fled, as we saw here in Panama decades ago.

From the president on down, thousands of Ukrainians face one of the most powerful armies in the world. Outside the borders of Ukraine, there has also been an unprecedented mobilization of such magnitude that some have described one of the sanctions against Russia as the “economic nuclear bomb”, which would practically isolate that country from the economic world, potentially preventing it from doing banking transactions of all kinds. This is not counting the protests in various capitals and cities around the world, including those by Russians in Moscow, calling for an immediate end to the war.

The severe sanctions against Russia contrast with the tepid approaches of punishment to countries where unequal internal struggles are waged, such as in Venezuela and Nicaragua. Panama and almost all the countries of the continent see with indifference what happens to the peoples of those nations, who are daily victims of violations of all kinds. – LA PRENSA, Feb. 28.