Lawmakers ignore 7,000 annual sexual crimes against children

The recent case of the rape of an 8-year-old girl who, moreover, was impregnated by her perpetrator – a close relative of hers – reveals the serious state of our society. The National Assembly is cross-armed on sexual education and has been tremendously permissive in situations like these, since there is little protection for victims, not to mention that education, in general, has been degraded to the point that we have a schooled society, but of questionable quality, lower with each passing year.

The State urgently needs reforms in this matter to really offer help and protection to the victims of abuse. The existing and updated data is terrifying; 7,000 annual complaints of sexual crimes: that represents an average of 20 a day, that is, almost one sexual assault every hour. This is a serious problem in which the Government does absolutely nothing, not to mention the fact that such a number of complaints far exceeds the capacity of the Public Ministry and the Judicial Branch to process them, creating a judicial backlog. In short, sexual assaults are increasing and the Executive does little to reduce them, more than just pointing out the problem is urgent while these cases overwhelm the capacity of the Judiciary – LA PRENSA, Feb. 25.