La Chorrera Fair re-opens after closure for regulations breach


Two hours after announcing the closure of the La Chorrera Fair, the Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported that the fair was re-opened to the public but with,  some restrictions,  including the banning of sale of liquor sales.

The Minsa reported earlier that it closed the facilities of the La Chorrera Fair for not complying with the biosafety standards established to hold this event.

In a statement, Minsa explained that all the activities of the fair were closed definitively because Decree 903 of December 2021, which establishes the measures to carry out the fair events, was not being complied with.

The  Minsa reported on Saturday afternoon that after a negotiation between the directors of the fair and the health authorities, it was agreed not to allow the development of dance activities, discos, and cantaderas.

It was specified that the amusement park, craft stalls, and exhibitions will be open to the public from the afternoon of Saturday, February 5.

The La Chorrera Fair will conclude Sunday, February 6.

The Minsa had already reported that it had initiated an investigation into reports that the established capacity was allegedly being breached during an artistic presentation at the fair.