Criminality in the National Assembly goes unpunished



Once again, crimes that affected the reputation of people who were affected by the criminality that still reigns in the National Assembly remain unpunished. The Supreme Court of Justice refused to admit a complaint made by a citizen that, without her consent, her name appeared on the ghost forms of the Legislative Branch, but the salaries were collected by third parties without providing any service. If the aforementioned deputy did not hold a political position, surely the facts would have been, at least, investigated to find the culprits, but we verify – as always – that impunity prevails when it comes to the political caste. Others are added to these cases, as there are several complaints – filed by the former comptroller – that await investigations, both by the Court and by ordinary justice, given that several deputies lost their positions in the last elections. It deals with scandalous facts, like embezzlement, but nothing works, everything remains in limbo. How does the Court expect society to believe in the changes it promotes when its sentences say that nothing will change? If you want credibility, you can’t destroy with your feet what you’re trying to do with your hands. – LA PRENSA,  Jan. 31