Conflicting views on 2022 Carnivals

Dr. Paulino Vigil wrote in La Prensa on Wednesday, January  5 that there are no scientific or epidemiological arguments that lead to banning carnivals assured that, according to his epidemiological analysis, that the carnivals of 2022 at the end of February and the beginning of March and will coincide with a period of fewer cases, where he considers that outdoor activities such as culecos can be carried out with a mask.u

For Dr. Xavier Sáez Llorens it is better to wait a bit to make a reasonable decision since he considers that epidemiological scenarios are dynamic and changing.

“At the Mesa de Periodistas I said that, in principle, I agreed with Dr. Paulino Vigil’s writing, but that it was better to wait to pass the huge wave of omicron cases in January and assess the clinical-epidemiological scenario in February, before making a reasonable decision, ”explained Sáez Llorens, as he said so that his position on carnivals 2022 is clear and there is no comprehensive reading deficit or misrepresentation

The epidemiologist, who has always been in favor of the vaccine to get out of the pandemic, assured that education and economic reactivation were higher priority issues like the celebration of carnivals.

For the clinical researcher, the numbers of omicron infections will be enormous this January and we could soon reach between 5 and 10 thousand cases a day. “When people understand that the common good is more important than individual caprice, we will have a better human species” said  Sáez Llorens on his Twitter account.