The impact of Covid-19 surge will be felt in two weeks

The impact of the biggest increase in Covíd-19 cases since  January 2021will be will be reflected within two weeks according to Eduardo Ortega Barría advisor to the Panama Covid-19 Vaccine Research Consortium.

 He told La Prensa that there is usually a delay in reality and the incidence of hospitalization is expected in 15 days.

On Friday The Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported 5,043 new infections raising the number of active cases   past 30,000  a number not seen since the beginning of 2021 when the second wave of the pandemic occurred.

The last time more than 5,000 cases were registered in one day was on January 19, 2021. And more than 30,000 active cases were reported on February 6 of that year.

The latest reports reveal that the Omicron variant is gaining ground by being more contagious.

“Ómicron is the dominant variant in Panama; it has displaced the Delta as has happened throughout the world; maybe 100% today! “, wrote Ortega Barría on his Twitter account.

He highlighted that there are currently 18 times more cases compared to December 20, 2021, when the first contagion with Ómicron was confirmed. On December 20, 2021.

According to the figures, so far, hospitalizations do not show a significant increase.