Replacing the “What’s in it for me?” values


The Ministry of Security will present before the Assembly, authorized by the Cabinet, a bill that will stamp the criminological policy of the country. It’s late, but it’s coming. Its content is unknown, but it mentions that it will be considered that Panamanian society suffers an effect of disintegration and family decomposition that adds to the crisis of values ​​that reigns in the country. This vision coincides with that of the president, who maintains that the causes of crime lie precisely in the family, the nucleus of the country’s problems. And indeed, the home must change, but change needs examples to follow.

The Panamanian family was not like it is now. But it changed; There have been years and years of bad examples, those given by politicians and governments: corruption, robberies, lies, patronage, “what’s there for me”, impunity. LA PRENSA, Dec.18.