Waning trust in office of the Attorney General

The video that has shaken the country, in which the former president Ricardo Martinelli is seen with some people in a San Francisco premises, and that he affirms that one of them is not the husband of one of the magistrates who acquitted him in the trial of the punctures, reveals what our justice is made of.
The Public Ministry has initiated an investigation of this “chance” encounter, but the truth is that the trust that this institution has accumulated in recent years has waned since Eduardo Ulloa took office. His management and that of the current prosecutor has been to castrate the entity, reducing the prosecution of the crime to a simple and bad caricature, with happy criminals, because once again they have freed them from obstacles to continue in what we all know they are.
The investigation that will be made of that video will end, as is the custom, nothing, that is nothing new. It is humiliating for this country to have an inoperative Public Ministry and Judicial Branch, without any power of deterrence, to the point that foreign judges are the ones who do justice to these people, subject not only by unscrupulous politicians but by their own ignorance and indifference. – LA PRENSA, Dec 17.