Party time at the legislature

While the United Kingdom is reeling from revelations that staffers at 10 Downing Street, held a Christmas Party at the home of Prime Minister Boris Johnson while the country was in lockdown, leading to calls for his resignation, Panama’s  Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, said he did not know if the National Assembly (AN) requested permission to hold a Mother’s Day party at which a large number of people were observed. He said he will have to consult the Director of Health of the Metropolitan region.

Sucre said: “There is no political flag here, whoever breaks the law, we have to investigate it and if it merits sanction, it is sanctioned.”

The dissemination of a video on social networks where a party is being held in the AN, with tables and a large number of people present, caused annoyance among citizens reports Mi Diario.

“Once it became known about the celebration on social networks, there was no shortage of questions to the Ministry of Health (Minsa), about why some are allowed and others are not.”

 Meanwhile, Minister Sucre pointed out “ the number of patients in intensive care has been decreasing, but cases have been increasing, which is not good, it can be said that there is some control of the pandemic, however, we must pay attention to what is happening and control mass activities”.

The Minsa in its latest statements has reiterated the call to the population not to lower their guard and to maintain biosecurity measures to avoid the increase in cases of coronavirus and more so when it is known of the appearance of a new variant that is more contagious.

He has called on the organizers of activities to comply with the measures established in the regulations for capacity.

If the capacity is 100%, only people with the complete vaccination scheme can enter, according to the regulations established by Minsa. Has any lawmaker read the rules?