Lottery boss stays while probe proceeds – Cortizo

The embattled director of the National  Charity Lottery (LNB), Gloriela Del Río will remain in her job at least for now said President Laurentino  Cortizo during a tour of the Children’s Hospital,  on Thursday morning referring to the scandal of the alleged irregularities in the National Benefit Lottery (LNB).

The president said that the director will possibly remain in office until the investigation that is being carried out due to irregularities in the verification process of the chances and tickets is completed.

 “There is an investigation in progress, this is an issue that is being addressed with the Public Ministry, what would be the best … probably until the investigation is over she should stay in office for the time being,” he said.

On Tuesday, the Transparency and Access to Information Authority (Antai) reported that Del Río was fined 50% of  her monthly salary for “breaches of ethics.”

The Antai had initiated an investigation in the LNB last July for irregularities in the return and payment of lottery ticket prizes, as well as the payment of the millionaire Zodiac draw.

According to Elsa Fernández, director of Antai, “the investigation detected a violation of the entity’s own procedures and a lack of oversight duty.”