Narco-politicians with high-level protection


The Minister of Public Security gave few credible statements about narco politics. The official said he does not know who is involved in this type of crime, a confession as convenient as it is implausible. But, if you ignore it, the matter is worse, and it would explain why the police intelligence of this country is not reliable, at least for this purpose. The official is more likely to take refuge in his alleged ignorance than to admit what he knows since he must be aware that narco politics enjoys relationships and protection at the highest level, which is why his promise to bring those suspects – “whoever let it be ”- before authority is a promise that seeks to reassure, but unlikely. It’s safer to end your days as a minister than to keep that promise. He described what happens with crime and the Government, but without providing solutions, He also knows that, whatever they may be, the last word on this issue is from the National Assembly, where narco politics has powerful allies. So, as much as he wants to, a single minister will never be able to eradicate organized crime from the government, especially if it is made up of white-collar gang members. – . LA PRENSA, Nov 24.