Younger son of ex-president Martinelli extradited to US Monday


Luis Enrique Linares, the youngest son of ex-president Ricardo Martinelli detained in Guatemala since July 6, 2020, will be extradited to the United States on a charter flight, at 12 noon on Monday, November 15.

He will move from the VIP wing of a Guatemalan military prison where he enjoyed many privileges to a cell in New York to face money laundering charges.

It is still unknown when Ricardo Alberto Martinelli Linares, the other son of the former President,  will be extradited  He is also detained in Guatemala and accused of alleged crimes of conspiracy to launder the bribes that Odebrecht gave to Panamanian officials and politicians.

According to the indictment filed in a Court of the Eastern District of New York, the Martinelli Linares brothers laundered the funds through shell companies and bank accounts in the United States.