OPINION: Bringing dreams of officialdom to reality


To try to understand this government it is necessary to think backwards. It means that you have to shed your common sense and logic. For two years, the country has faced a health crisis, from which an economic problem has arisen that has led us to get into debt up to our noses. The economy is far from being the buoyant of yesteryear and unemployment has prostrated our workforce in the private sector. But the government has not moved a muscle to contain spending. Their budgets, payroll and expenses skyrocket, and now the latest cry is to increase the amount of per diem. It seems that the people of the government lived in Timbuktu, while the rest of the country is anchored to the ground, without the possibility of dreaming what the State does make a reality with our taxes: the dreams of many officials.- LA PRENSA, Nov. 8.