Gangs rampage as security lapses


The country – particularly the capital – has been shaken by the number of murders that have occurred in the last hours, in the middle of a gang war whose scene is public and crowded places in the capital. This violence shows the serious deficiencies of the Government in the matter of prevention and re-socialization; they even reveal deficient handling of police intelligence. This administration has forced citizens to carefully monitor their decisions since there is not one that does not hide a double agenda, and now we have to worry about dying, the victim of a stray bullet. Meanwhile, in the National Assembly, the deputies refused to discuss a bill – that of the extinction of domain – that would reduce economic power to these criminal networks. There are deputies who increasingly resemble these criminal groups and even propose rules to favor “those who once made mistakes.” The rulers and organized crime are driving the country into chaos for lack of a national security policy. When will they stop improvising and reacting, instead of planning and acting? LA PRENSA, Nov. 30.