Halloween party shootout leaves 5 dead, 7 injured


 A gangland shooting at  a pre-Halloween party in the Espacio Panamá  pseudo nightclub, on the border between San Felipe and Santa Ana, left five dead and seven injured

According to the National Police, the incident occurred between 2:00 am and 2:20 am on Friday, October 29. Two people have been arrested and a firearm was recovered.

Prosecutor Rafael Baloyes said that one of the people died inside the premises, was allegedly the one who shot a group first. Four others died at the Santo Tomás Hospital.

Baloyes said that it was a confrontation involving the Galactito gang.

The owners of Espacio Panamá indicated that they “deeply regret the unfortunate incident that occurred.”

“We are providing all the necessary collaboration to the competent authorities based on the corresponding investigations,” said in a statement released Friday morning.

Meanwhile the Vice Minister of Internal Trade and Industries, Omar Montilla, indicated Friday morning that Espacio Panamá did not have permission to sell liquor.

He said detailed in Telemetro Reporta and TVN Noticias that the place was not a nightclub either. and its operating license was for a fast-food restaurant.

“It  does not have permission to sell liquor or to do disco activities, this is a restaurant that must close its activity no later than 12 midnight,” Montilla said on TVN Noticias .