OPINION: Flip flopping in the Supreme Court

OMagistrate Cecilio Cedalise sent a letter to the president of the Supreme Court in which he demands an investigation into the leakage of his draft ruling in favor of former President Ricardo Martinelli in the case of espionage on the private communications of some 150 people, and punish to those responsible for the leak. It is an irony that this magistrate demands the same investigation and punishment for those who are responsible for the leak, at the same time that his draft ruling would invalidate the entire investigation and the trial of the punctures, despite the fact that he signed the sentence that he ratified all the actions in this process of the then magistrate judge of guarantees Jerónimo Mejía, except for the competence of the Supreme Court to continue with this case, since the accused resigned his status as a parliamentarian. This was even recognized by the defendant’s own defense, when one of his lawyers said that this ruling was “bittersweet”, because, while the case was sent to the ordinary justice, on the other hand, it validated all the previous decisions of the judge of guarantees, including the subject of the imputation, the reason for the draft ruling. However, Cedalise now has a new opinion and that contradicts what he had no qualms about ratifying before. LA PRENSA, Oct. 21.