Consciences for sale in the Assembly

It seems that the deputies do not tire of confronting their constituents. The proposal – approved in the third debate – to reform the Electoral Code included one more blunder: that the National Assembly can grant amnesty to candidates who are fined for not submitting reports of income and campaign expenses paid for with private resources. The bad smell of their masonry is noticeable from miles away, because what this proposal is looking for in the background, once again, is opacity; hide your donors. And why would it be necessary to hide them? If anyone has any doubts as to why perhaps it helps to understand that their donors would surely be unpresentable: gang leaders; entrepreneurs who seek to guarantee business with the Government; drug traffickers and everything else that cannot reap its head in politics because it would be a scandal. That is what our new deputies are looking for: to hide the filth of which their potential donors are made. And there are some in that Assembly who could not get a real decent person from their circuits. That is why they are willing to sell their seat and conscience to the worst in society in order to show off their Prado and a tie –   LA PRENSA, Oct. 19.