Citizen table calls for protest march on Wednesday

The “Mesa Ciudadana”, a citizen group in defense of democracy, called on the general public to support the call for a march that will begin at 4:00 pm on Wednesday, October 20, from Parque  Porras towards the Cathedral.

The call for union groups also includes causes such as the defense of the Social Security Fund and a halt to corruption in all spheres, issues that should unite all sectors, said the “Citizen Table” in a statement.

The group indicated that those who cannot participate in the  march should assemble in Plaza Catedral (near the Presidency), from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

The Citizen Board asked business owners to allow their employees to leave one hour earlier on October 20 so that they can participate in this activity. They also called for a “flexibilization” in the schedules of government entities, so that public servants can participate in this call, without facing labor repercussions.

Simultaneous activities have been scheduled for that day in Chiriquí, Veraguas, Los Santos, Herrera, Coclé, and Panama Oeste.