Electoral reform – pants made to measure

 There is no doubt that being a deputy in Panama is reaching something like Olympus. It is equivalent to filling yourself with privileges to see yourself above the common citizen.

 The deputies are never happy with what they have and now, in the discussion of the reforms to the Electoral Code, have decided to maintain the electoral criminal jurisdiction, a figure whose proposal was to be eliminated. However, the “stars” of our democracy have decided that such a shield of impunity must continue, so that candidates and directors of political parties will once again be untouchable by law throughout the electoral campaign. Why resort to that figure if there is nothing to fear? It is that, as we all know, many of our politicians are criminals who find refuge in these figures to evade justice. And what better way than to legalize a flight in fact, allowing undesirable subjects to be part of the government gear. His reforms only seek to take care of their backs, legalizing impunity. His criminal attitude harms democracy and, consequently, the entire country. Thus, these – his reforms – lack legitimacy, as they are nothing more than a pair of pants made to measure. How long are we going to hold on? –