COVID-19: Panama on right path as new cases fall

New cases of covid-19 fell 11% to 1,398 -in the epidemiological week ending October 9. There were 27 deaths, one less than the previous week.
The Minsa reported that it has administered 5,618 501 doses of vaccines against Covid-19 from January 20 to date which means that 75.3% of the population that can receive the vaccine (people older than 12 years) have already complied with the immunization schedule.
In the words of public health specialist Jorge Luis Prosperi, the country is on the “right path” to control the pandemic.
According to his analysis, the statistics reflect this: “for three months, we maintain a decrease in weekly cases and, for five weeks, the percentage of positivity has been below 5%, which is a good indicator, according to the World Health Organization ”.
He added that an important element is that more than 75% of the population has completed their immunization cycle and that it will begin very soon give a booster dose to health personnel and people over 55 years of age.
“We must maintain public health measures. The virus will not be eliminated, but the epidemic will be controlled, as has been done with other diseases such as influenza ”, he concluded.
For epidemiologist Arturo Rebollón, now that there are fewer cases, the health system must vigorously resume care in that population of patients with chronic diseases who were neglected due to the Covid-19 pandemic.