Provinces join national outcry

With flags, pails, and banners, the Coclesanos joined the national demonstration that took place on the on Tuesday,, to demand an end to corruption and greater transparency in the discussion of electoral reforms.

Jeremías Guillén, a young Coclesian, said that what is wanted is a transparent process where everyone has equal opportunities, because “young people want to participate but with justice and respect, which is how the country can move forward.”

Aristides Hazan said that Panama “does not deserve the treatment that politicians give us and that is why it is necessary to demonstrate and denounce corruption and that there are conditions of social, political and economic equality, that is why it is time to go out and fight for the democracy”.

Flying the Panamanian flag, members of the civil society of the Herrera province also peacefully protested in the Parque La Bandera de Chitré to reject, among other things, the changes made by the deputies to the electoral reform project.

“A united people will never be defeated! Benicio, corrupt, this country is not yours; Crispiano, residue, you are a bandit! What are you looking at? They are also robbing you, ”the protesters chanted.

Beating pots and carrying banners, the complainants received the support of the drivers who passed through the area.

Eulalia Villalaz Cedeño said that the peaceful protest sought to show the government that “it has to completely and radically stop because they are leading the country to collapse.”

Villalaz questioned the actions of the National Assembly in the discussion of the Electoral Code.

“This is a disaster. Imagine that prison inmates are allowed to contribute to politics. If this is the case, we would be handing the country over to drug traffickers, ”he said.

Chitrean businessman Roberto Alfedro Solis said that the Panamanian people have to react because the “country is close to falling into the abyss in health, education and other sectors of the economy.”