Queen Elizabeth pays tribute to 9/11 victims

The Queen of England, Elizabeth II, paid tribute this Saturday to the victims and survivors of the jihadist attacks of September 11, 2001, in the United States, in a message addressed to President Joe Biden.
“I have in my thoughts and in my prayers – and those of my family and the entire country – the victims, survivors, and affected families, as well as the first interveners and rescue personnel,” said Elizabeth II on the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the attacks perpetrated by Al Qaida.
The 95-year-old sovereign also paid “tribute to the resistance and determination of the communities that came together to rebuild” after the attacks, the deadliest in history with some 3,000 dead, including 67 British.
The American anthem sounded during the changing of the guard at Windsor Castle, about 25 miles from London, where Elizabeth II retired during the pandemic.
Elizabeth II visited “ground zero” in 2010, the site of the attacks on the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York, and met with relatives of the victims, before inaugurating a monument to the British victims.
Th visit was “etched in his memory,” she said Saturday.