Two gangland “heavies”  shot in Vista Hermosa

Two gangland leaders were injured on  Saturday in a hail of bullets from hitmen in another moving car,  on  Vista Hermosa on the section between the Metro station and the shopping center that houses Super 99. 

In broad daylight, the white car in which the wounded were traveling was shot at least 20 times, causing hysteria among people who were shopping in the mall.

One of the injured was Luis Andrés González Moreno, alias “Andresito”, 32 years old and residing in Panama Viejo.

The subject has been investigated -according to the authorities- in cases of homicide and maintains a rivalry with a criminal group from Villa del Rey.

After the murder of Ricauerte Villasanta, alias “Tercero” in the Mega Joya, Jail he is considered one of the leaders of the groups from Panama Viejo.

The other injured is Alexis Javier Hudson Varela, 27, who lives in Los Nogales. In 2015 he was investigated and detained for a murder case, but he was released. In 2020, he was arrested aboard a car that, when verified, was found to belong to a subject murdered in September 2019.