Judges reject delaying tactic by Martinelli defense

On the second day of the trial for illegal wiretapping, judges Iveth Francois Vega, Jennifer Saavedra, and Marysol Osorio denied a request from Ricardo Martinelli’s lawyers, who requested a 10-day recess to examine the evidence to be presented by the Public Ministry.

The prosecution had responded by pointing out that the defense had ample time to review the files during the previous trial.

The former president, who had arrived in the courtroom shortly before 9:00 am with the help of a walker later withdrew, claiming back pain. Once in his office, he was able to connect and follow the audience via zoom.

The second day of the trial began with the presentation of documentary evidence. Prosecutor Ricaurte González explained to the judges the role of the National Security Council (CSN), whose personnel and equipment were used to monitor and intercept communications, without judicial authorization, of up to 150 people, in the last two years of Martinelli’s government.

For their involvement in these events, two former CSN directors ( Martinelli’ son in law Alejandro Garuz and Gustavo Pérez ) were each sentenced to five years in jail.