Relaxation of curfews and end to  Sunday quarantine

The Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, announced, on Tuesday, July 20, the relaxation of curfews and elimination of the total quarantine on Sundays in various regions of the country due to the decrease in Covid-19 infections   

From July 26  the curfew in Panama Metro will be from midnight to 4 am. Shops may stay open until 11 pm along with delivery service.

In the districts of Santiago, Soná and La Mesa ,Veraguas, the curfew will be at 10 at night to 4 in the morning, and the Sunday quarantine measure is lifted,

In the district of Alanje , Chiriquí, the curfew will be, from midnight to 4 in the morning.

In Donoso , Colón, the curfew is established, , from 12 midnight to 4 in the morning. The rest of the province maintains the same hours established previously.

In Azuero (Herrera and Los Santos) there are no changes, since there is only a slight decrease in cases. Sucre urged residents of these provinces not to lower their guard and continue to support the government’s strategies to lower the rates of the deadly virus.

The Minister reported that on Tuesday Pfizer’s batch number 24 arrived in Panama with 363,870 doses of the vaccine, and that the arrival of immunizations through the Covax mechanism is expected.

He thanked the US government for the donation of 503,100 doses of Pfizer that will arrive in Panama on Wednesday.