Debunking vaccine misinformation  

The scientific battle against misinformation about the anti-covid vaccines is ongoing, as many false messages circulate through instant messaging or social networks.

Hoaxes range from vaccines containing graphene oxide nanoparticles to causing Covid-19 itself.

Ivonne Torres Atencio, director of the Pharmacology department of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Panama and associate researcher at the Institute of Scientific Research and High Technology Services, has provided La Prensa with scientific answers as to why each of these statements is false and says that the best The antidote to misinformation is evidence-based information.

“Vaccines contain graphene oxide nanoparticles.”

No. The components of the vaccines are clearly described in the technical sheets, which are public and describe the content of the messenger RNA or adenovirus material, plus excipients such as lipids and surfactants that form the nanoparticle, allowing the stability of the product. and the bioavailability to be administered. All excipients have been widely used in the pharmaceutical industry.

“Vaccines can make you sick with Covid-19.”

Vaccines don’t make anyone sick. This is what is known as passive immunity, in which the vaccine has a component of the virus that allows the human body to generate an efficient protection response.

“The long-lasting specific antibodies produced by vaccination are particularly adept at deactivating natural antibodies.”

Fake. The long-lasting generated antibodies form the immunological memory that is stored (we do not know how long they last) and are directed against virus proteins.

The probability of fatal side effects from the Covid-19 vaccine is approximately 10 times greater than the death rate from the infection.”

False. Serious side effects have been described and so far pharmacovigilance systems have established that they are not fatal and are well below 0.1%.

Deaths that are closely related to vaccines are not reported, because they are often misinterpreted as deaths caused by Covid-19.”

Another falsehood. The reporting of vaccine-related deaths is mandatory and investigational, and they are clearly described in reports from the world’s pharmacovigilance systems.

“After the two doses, I can’t get  covid-19 myself or infect anyone else.”

After the complete scheme (dose and time), it is possible to be infected, but the viral load will be much lower. There are studies that indicate that people with a complete regimen do not have greater infectivity. Therefore, the use of masks outside the family circle or bubble is mandatory.

“The virus affects only the elderly and not the very young.”

The virus affects all ages, and the intensity and severity depend on the conditions of the affected people, the viral load, the variant, and comorbidities.

“Vaccines create new variants of the virus.”

Vaccines cannot create new variants, since they prevent viral replication processes from taking place, contrary to infection, which, by allowing the virus to replicate, can modify its copies and generate errors that lead to the appearance of variants. It can only be stopped with vaccination.

I don’t have to get vaccinated because I have already had the disease.”

Fake. Although the disease generates an immune response, it is possible that the antibodies generated are not as efficient, which is why immunization against Covid-19 disease is necessary. Natural infection offers temporary immunity, but it is not robust nor is it as long-lasting as previously thought.

Vaccines cause infertility in men and women.”

Vaccines have no connection, with our reproductive system. However, the consequences of the Covid-19 disease, are already presenting erectile dysfunction problems.

“Vaccines contain heavy and magnetic metals that attract magnets.”

There is no magnetism per vaccine. The human being has many electrolytes or salts in the body, which makes us physically handle a magnetism, but it has nothing to do with vaccination. The human being is a structure that has a lot of mineral elements that do have electronegativity. This is hard science.