“Vaccine the only way out” of covid nightmare

A report from the National Center for Pharmacovigilance of the Health Ministry  (Minsa) specifies of 1,506,086 doses of vaccines against Covid-19 applied, until June 30, both from Pfizer and AstraZeneca   0.04% reported adverse reactions. the document details that 0.05% of I,153,177 vaccinated with Pfizer (618 cases) and 0.01% of 352, 909 who received AstraZeneca (29 cases) reported a side effect.

Specialists Javier Nieto, Arturo Rebollón, and Jorge Luis Prosperi agreed that the percentages of reactions are “very low” and that it is clear that vaccines are safe.

In the report,  Minsa clarifies that the events can be any health problem that occurs after vaccination, without necessarily being caused by the biological one.

 “The balance of risk and benefits for receiving the vaccine continues in favor of the benefit. The vaccine is the only way out of this nightmare. It is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel”

According to the Minsa report, “it is essential” to bear in mind that an adverse event is any health problem that occurs after vaccination, without necessarily having to be caused by the vaccine, since it may be medical problems that coincide with the weather.

In this context, it details that most of the reported events were classified as mild and moderate. In those vaccinated with Pfizer, 89% of the 618 reports of adverse events were rated as mild and moderate. In those who received the AstraZeneca vaccine, 93% of 29 reports were cataloged in the same way.

There is also a slight percentage of events classified as “serious”, although according to what has been stated by the National Pharmacovigilance Center, although they coincide with the application of the vaccine, causality cannot necessarily be established with the treatment received.

In the opinion of epidemiologist Arturo Rebollón, adverse reactions due to the vaccine are, for the most part, so “mild” that people tend not to report them. “This is a very small amount and almost zero. In short, the long-term consequences that Covid-19 will leave in those who do not get vaccinated are riskier, ”he said.,

Organizations such as the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) have presented their position and argue that no totally innocuous biological or pharmaceutical product has yet been created and that vaccines are made based on the strictest standards of efficacy, safety, and quality of current technology.

Prosperi recalled that adverse events, such as fever or headache, are observed a lot in children during vaccination days against influenza.