Vaccination for the common good

Local statistics on covid vaccination reveal that immunization is a success in terms of serious side effects, which, in our case, have been almost non-existent. In the case of deaths reported after being vaccinated, diseases that those immunized already had would have converged. Despite this, there are people who reject these biologics. And, although getting vaccinated is optional, the truth is that there will come a time when, in order to protect the lives of their clients, neighbors, friends, and family, there will be those who reserve the right for an unvaccinated person to enter an establishment or not, shopping center, party, travel or transfers in closed vehicles. It is the pandemic of a virus that causes a highly contagious disease that can cause death. Consequently, those who are still thinking about not getting vaccinated should consider that it is not an act of discrimination, but rather to seek the common good in the face of a serious public health problem that cannot go unnoticed after, due to the Covid-19, in Panama more than 6,600 people have died and in the world, more than 4 million. LA PRENSA, Jul. 17