Ortega betraying ideals of revolution – Human rights center

At 82, Vilma Núñez says that the only way they could silence her fight for human rights in Nicaragua would be by locking her up or killing her.

The founder and president of the Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights (Cenidh) believes that the current wave of arrests of opposition candidates and politicians in her country marks an unprecedented situation in Latin America at least since the military regimes of the 1970s.

Núñez blames President Daniel Ortega for this , whom she accuses of betraying the ideals of the Sandinista revolution after overthrowing the Anastasio Somoza regime , a revolution in which she herself placed hope at the time.

“They have practically given the coup de grace to the democratic and peaceful solution that Nicaraguans had to achieve peace and freedom in this country,” says Núñez in an interview with BBC Mundo from Managua.