The Panama Lottery Paradox

In classical Greece, a kind of logical riddle was formulated in the form of a paradox that said something like: What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?

The correct answer is nothing because neither of these two entities can exist in our universe, except in the case of the National Charity Lottery.

Defying all the rules of logic, the head of the Lottery, Molirena Gloriela Del Río, said that something “is” and “is not” simultaneously.

As if it were the purest metaphysical abstraction or approach of quantum mechanics, the lady director proposes that the Gordito[lottery]winner of April 30, 2021, was “collected” and “not collected” at the same time.

As the bill of yore is already sealed, it means that it has already been presented to the institution, in the case of a bearer note, whoever had it is the holder of the million 4 thousand dollars of the prize.

According to a May 4 statement from the Lottery, a humble woman from Veracruz had been the winner.

According to the director of the Lottery, making a profound statement of clinical psychology, the winner of the Gordito was afraid to collect the prize, that is, she has “plutophobia” (fear of money).

Such a discovery calls for immediate action by the Gorgas Memorial Institute for Health Studies, so that, keeping the case confidential, and with free and informed prior consent, a blood sample is taken from the winner of the Gordito with fear of money, so that from there a vaccine against “bribery” and embezzlement is generated.

I propose that to avoid the experimentation in innocent animals of the new vaccine, it be injected directly to all the deputies, as well as to the aspirants to administer the National Charity Lottery. Surely, there will be another millionaire prize there: the Nobel Prize for Medicine, Biology, or Peace.

Maybe the Swedish Academy and the Norwegian Academy will allow us, Panamanians, to receive a married Nobel. To avoid another case of plutophobia, that money and that of the Lottery vault should go to the Malambo orphanage, the Ciudad del Niño, and the SOS Villages, to make sure that those who receive the money deserve the prize.  Rodrigo Noriega, LA PRENSA.