Dog becomes new drug mailman

First, it was a pigeon, then a cat, and now a   dog carrying drugs and messages in prison.

The animal when intercepted in La Joya on Monday had a letter tied to its neck detailing the sale of alleged illicit substances and even greetings among prisoners.  It even drew the attention of The director of the Penitentiary System, Andrés Gutierrez. Who said: “We continue to reinforce security to prevent these types of anomalies from taking place in prisons, with the recurrent use of animals for the transfer and sale of illegal substances, for which we are taking the pertinent corrections.”.

From drones to animals such as cats and pigeons, criminals have used drugs to introduce drugs into Panamanian prisons. The most recent case was that of a cat trying to enter the Nueva Esperanza penitentiary in the province of Colón. The feline had a roll of cloth tied to its body, which caught the attention of the prison guards and who, after verifying, realized that it was an illicit substance.                                           On March 7, in the same prison, police units captured a pigeon that had entered the place. The bird was carrying several marijuana wrappers. This type of transfer has been detected in countries such as Costa Rica and Colombia, where criminals have used pigeons and puppies to transport drugs even from one border to another.                                                                                                                     The drug prosecutor of Colón and Guna Yala, Eduardo Rodríguez, said on April 16, that in the first months of the year several cases have been detected in different prisons where they use animals, especially dogs, pigeons, and cats to introduce the drugs and this arises because several people have been arrested, including guards.  The animals l the case of the cat, to which a pacv containing cocaine, possibly crack and presumed marijuana,” Rodríguez said.