The shame of sex crimes acquittal

The disappointment could not have been more felt when it was learned of the ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice that acquitted of sexual crimes against women, including a minor, a deputy of the ruling party, the PRD. There was a hope, albeit small, of knowing the truth, that justice would be done, but there is no reason to have it. Inappropriate and lustful sexual acts or rape cause a lot of pain and shame to victims, and thus, in many cases, predators are successful, taking advantage of such circumstances. But in this case, there were victims who gathered the courage to sue a member of the most powerful party in the country, in the hope of receiving justice. It was not so. The victims, ashamed, left the audience bathed in tears, frustrated, disenchanted with the perverse justice system we have, while the deputy smiled, pleased. Now we will see this subject in the National Assembly voting to approve legislative initiatives aimed at children, women, and the family, on matters in which he has lost all morals to do so. That is the DNA of the deputies. – LA PRENSA, Apl. 18