Sex crimes trial under wraps

ONE OF THE most discredited institutions is, as a whole, the Judicial Branch. The reasons are not necessary to state, only that every day the Panamanian justice is more and more inoperative and, as a consequence, it lacks credibility. For this reason, it is inexplicable that the trial that is being followed in the Supreme Court of Justice of Deputy Arquesio Arias – belonging to the ruling party PRD – for sexual crimes is behind closed doors. Although there are health measures that must be followed or even those to avoid re-victimizing those affected by these crimes, partial coverage of the act may be allowed, in order to avoid the justified suspicions that arise in the trial of a member of the ruling party who Furthermore, he is a deputy of the Republic. We know perfectly well what is the scope of the protective mantle of this political group, which does not beat around the bush to facilitate impunity for its militants and authorities. And if this is not the case, it is a terrible error of judgment to close the doors to public opinion in a trial of such transcendence. The Court must reconsider its decision to hold this trial behind the country’s back. From every point of view, it does more harm than good. –  LA PRENSA, Apr. 9