Panama training sexuality instructors for schools

Panama’s introduction to Sexed  begins the first week of April,  with the virtual training of the guides on sexuality and affectivity o facilitators from 12 educational regions of the country, after government sectors and civil society validated the documents, reports the  Ministry of Education (Meduca)

The training will begin with 400 facilitators from the technical teams of the Psychopedagogical Cabinets and, later, will have about 600 teachers from the educational regions.

The pedagogical proposal consists of five didactic guides aimed at parents, for the orientation and training in matters of education in sexuality and affectivity of their children; students of general basic education of primary (1 ° -6 °), pre-secondary (7 ° – 9 °) and middle (10 ° – 12 °), and a guide aimed at pregnant adolescents, adolescent mothers, and their fathers, mothers or guardians.

The history of these guides dates back to September 2016, when an inter-institutional commission led by Meduca and made up of seven other entities was formed, which worked on the selection of information on reproductive and sexual health, to create a “pedagogical instrument” to attend to the particularities of each school-age group.

After more than a year of work, the commission delivered the data to the consultancy in 2018, in order to prepare the final document.

The document was validated by a work team made up of educational authorities, State entities, social organizations, teachers, parents, and the Catholic Church, among others.