OPINION –  Obscene Agreements

The adaptation of the Covid-19 rooms in the City of Health reveals a corrupt business. It is really unfortunate that, as an excuse to make money, the need of sick people, in danger of dying, is used. This government is in no way different from others of the past, in which necessity was the pretext to reach obscene and obscure agreements so that officials and businessmen could mutually benefit from the works of the State. The pandemic has been the justification for speculating, for selling high, for lining one’s pockets with stained money. The Social Security Fund (CSS) has had no objections or considerations to buy equipment and supplies at exorbitant and unjustifiable prices, since the same equipment, acquired in a pandemic and through the same exceptional procurement processes, they have been bought at much less expensive prices. The business was carried out in the midst of the worst health and financial crisis when the treasury and the national economy went through their worst moment in recent decades. In other words, the vaunted solidarity is nothing more than a hollow word for our officials, who continue to spend in business at the expense of doom, as if we have money to spare.- LA PRENSA, Mar. 26