Life in the presidential bubble

Presidents in Panama seem to live in a bubble. It seems that they do not see or hear or feel through their own senses, but through those of their close people, because their reality is always in conflict with ours. In a recent interview with Telemetro, the current president said he was willing to put his hands in the fire for two of his closest collaborators: the Minister of Public Works and his vice president.  That is to guarantee – without harboring any doubt – that these are honest, honorable, blameless people.

 Such an action is the equivalent – to put it in his own words – to raffling it off … and big. The president, although he said that he did not ask ex-attorney Eduardo Ulloa to resign, deliberately omitted the real reasons why he left or addressed the issue of the resignation of the director of Senniaf, that it was not accepted because the Presidency of the Republic wrote another one for it. Although his answers went one way, the reality goes another: he says there should be no impunity, but he is still present, and that he did not come to do scams, but he names those who do them … and they are in complete impunity. I live in a bubble. LA PRENSA, Mar. 15