OPINION – Partners in crime

For more than two weeks, citizens have been waiting for the PRD to set a date of appearance before the plenary session of the National Assembly – to answer a questionnaire about the scandal of the National Secretary for Children, Adolescents and Family (Senniaf) – of the current Minister of Social Development (Mides) and the former director and deputy director of Senniaf. However, there has been no way for them to say when they will answer the questions. This is the way in which the PRD freely and gracefully becomes a participant in scandals, even of this kind, in which minors are victims of sexual, psychological and various other types of abuse. It is the typical behavior of a party lacking respect for the law and the Constitution. From its guts came the current President, the head of Mides, –Daughter of a former PRD deputy– and the former director and deputy director –the latter daughter of a deputy minister–. They are ashamed because, unable to answer for their actions and omissions, they hide in the skirts of the Executive so that their incompetence does not become evident, and for this they have the support   of their people in the Assembly. Partners in crime! – LA PRENSA, Mar 2