OPINION – The brutilization of power

Power blinds, brutalizes and intoxicates, and in Panama, we must add that it corrupts, enriches and debases. It is a dangerous combination, but because it is brutalizing, the perpetrators either don’t realize what they are doing or don’t care.

 In a frantic race to guarantee themselves – with crude geopolitical strategies – an opportunity in the next elections, there are deputies who seek to satisfy their insatiable and voracious appetites for power.

First, Benicio Robinson (PRD), with 11 townships, and now Leopoldo Archibold, from Cambio Democrático, with another 6, even trampling on a presidential veto. The race does not end, because surely, this “victory” will encourage others to create more townships, despite the fact that we are going through an unprecedented economic and financial crisis, a product of the pandemic. They don’t care that millions have to be allocated –just to make them work– to these townships. They divide the country as if it were a cake, at their own convenience and personal gain. We are in the hands of political mercenaries who will lead us to a debacle of incalculable consequences. – LA PRENSA,Feb.11.