Clandestine parties bring back curfew

The Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, explained on Wednesday, December 2, that they made the decision to extend the curfew and declare a dry law in the province of Panama Oeste due to the increase in “clandestine parties” and unauthorized family gatherings during the pandemic .
He said that during the weekends, the authorities arrived at the residences and people said that they were celebrating in a “family bubble”, but with 20 relatives, including uncles, grandparents, cousins.
“People do not seem to understand the seriousness of the matter, everything is a joke . Sucre said
The minister indicated that “the big problem is the clandestine parties”, which “small groups” star.
“It has been proven that the greatest cause of contagion is parties and meetings,” he said.
These small groups, he added, are the ones that later go to facilities “contaminating” objects. “I recommend my daughters to walk in psychosis mode. Let them think that everything they touch has Covid-19 ″ so that they take biosecurity measures, such as hand washing, he said.
The month of November closed with the highest number of cases detected since the first case of Covid-19 occurred in Panama, last March.
In 30 days, 32,208 cases were diagnosed in the country and 237, 472 tests were applied. Although it is the largest number of tests performed in a single month, the percentage of positivity has not decreased, with 13.6% in the month of November.