PANDEMIC : 875 New cases, 16 deaths


Health authoritie s reported 875 new positive cases of COVID-19 in Panama, for a

cumulative total of 155,658 on Monday.  There are 16 new deaths, totaling 2,973 accumulated

and a fatality rate of 1.9%.

In the last 24 hours, 6,902n tests were applied, for a of positivity rate of 12.7%.

A total of 137,004 recovered patients are reported. Active cases total 15,681.

In home isolation, 14,723 people are reported, of which 14,040 are at home and 683 in hotels.

There are 958 hospitalized and 809 of them are in the ward and 149 are in the ICU.

Case rebound

Given the rebound in COVID-19 cases, the Ministry of Health (Minsa) reiterated hat

biosafety measures and the protocols established to combat the virus must be complied with.

The Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, regretted that some young people are

participating in parties. In addition, there are businesses that violate opening hours and sell liquor

beyond what is allowed.

Minister Sucre recalled that parties cannot be held that represent agglomerations in which people

often do not use the mask and do not keep the required physical distance