More defendants in multi-millions bribery scandal as clock running out

As the clock ticks down to the final week of the multi-million dollar Odebrecht  bribery case special anti-corruption  prosecutor Ruth Morcillo, has announced  that  an additional group of  defendants is under investigation while  she and her partner Adecio Mojica, complained about the judicial delays to resolve appeals and set hearing dates.

in an interview with  TVN program Mesa de Periodistas . Although she did not mention names, the prosecutor reported that they are individuals linked to the payments made through the so-called Caja Dos de Odebrecht , a division created by the Brazilian construction company to pay bribes, and  hidden financing  of political parties.

The Odebrecht case, considered an emblematic process of corruption, closes on October 14. From that moment on, the prosecution must draw up the tax hearing, a document that will then be sent to the Judicial Branch.

Until a few days ago, there were 88 defendants in this case, but Attorney General Eduardo Ulloa recently said that it  could close with more than 90 defendants. The defendants include two former presidents Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014) and Juan Carlos Varela (2014-2019).

Mojica said  that there are files that have been delivered more than 10 years ago and have not been resolved. One such case is known as “fiberglass”, which tracks alleged irregularities in the execution of fiberglass removal work in public schools. That investigation began on August 26, 2009, and to date there have been no convictions.