OPINION:A new door to corruption opens

Our politicians are irretrievably condemned to repeat their mistakes, either due to a lack of knowledge of their environment or simple indifference. Recently, we learned of the transfer of several secretariats that the Ministry of the Presidency handled. One of the agencies he decided to stay with was the Directorate of Social Assistance, the replacement for the controversial National Aid Program, which was a source of corruption. Not only did it not eliminate it, but its advisory council – created to oversee its work – was eliminated and its director will now respond directly to the Minister of the Presidency, at this time, also Vice President of the Republic, an official who was harshly questioned for purchases related to the pandemic. These advisory councils are created to build trust and accountability, but our politicians are raging against every vestige of transparency and committing the mistake of resorting to discretion as a form of public administration, which is a complete anachronism. They do not learn, they do not discern, they are unable to see beyond their limited field of v6ision. All this reform to the Ministry of the Presidency, in light of what we saw and see, generates justified suspicions.-LA PRENSA, Oct. 6